Le facteur
Loire, France

Following a university education dedicated to wines, Fabien Brutout joins the ranks of Mathieu Cosme's family estate in Vouvray. The two friends share the same philosophy: work in the vineyard must be respectful of the environment. So it goes without saying that it is achieved without the use of pesticides, the harvest is manual and winemaking is done in barrels. Also, each action is planned according to the lunar calendar at each of the viticultural phases.

Since 2014, the vineyard has been converted to organic farming. Fabien also became associates with Mathieu in that same year and together they created the Domaine du Facteur. They developed a 100% Chenin, natural sparkling wine, full of promise. This first amazing experience clearly demonstrated the knowledge and talent of the young winemaker. A second vintage, “Le Facteur su'l 'vélo” was also successful. The funny name inspired by a famous French expression ""put the postman on the bike"" means ""to drink again the day after a drunken evening"". As the name suggests, it is a wine full of freshness, and easy to drink for any occasion.